

[DM] DMARN0808
[Copyright] sbsinc
[FileSize] 20M
[language] English
[Publish] 200808
Magazine Profiles:

Summer often conjures images of long hot days made easier by timely poolside barbeques, lounging with a cup of a sweet fruit juice, and lighter, more refreshing meals. Sweet, fruity and cold beverages dominate the summer market, offering customers an ability to beat the heat and take advantage of the season’s many ripe fruits. While traditional summer treats of sugary and frozen drinks like lemonade and sodas still dominate the mass market, increasingly families are trying to lean towards natural, healthier beverages such as low-sugar teas or drinks made from natural fruit juice. A smart restaurant owner knows his/her audience and is able to present healthy options that are as healthy as they are tasty. Similarly, owners should be aware of the many different alcoholic beverages that are particularly popular during the summer months. Instead of heavier or more filling beers and liquors, in the summer adults typically prefer lighter or fruity alcoholic beverages like special pilsners and light beers.

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