
Matching & Cooking for the New Chilled Sakes (4/4)

Hotter seasonings (from Thai and Chinese chili pastes to Cajun, Indian and Jamaican spices). Coconut laced curries. Sweet/spicy/salty barbecued meats and ribs (sticky marinades, dry rubs, teriyaki and kal-bi). Satays with earthy, sweet, sour, salty and/or spicy marinades and dipping sauces. Fruit infused natural reductions. European style (i.e. barely sweet) desserts with fresh fruit (especially pineapple, mango, banana, papaya, strawberry, lychee, longan, mangosteen and durian), coconut pudding (Hawaiian haupia), bittersweet chocolate (black or white), tapioca and rice puddings, custards, flan, panna cotta, anglaise, azuki beans, and scented flavors (vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, lemon grass, cardamom, citrus rinds, pistachios or almonds) – the only rule of thumb being “nothing-too-sweet” (like syrupy coulis) and avoidance of predominantly acidic/citrusy sensations, since nigori style sake does not tend to be as sweet or acidic as dessert wines made from grapes.
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